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Saturday, January 8, 2011

How to Get The Most Traffic to Your Articles

How to Get The Most Traffic to Your Articles How to Get The Most Traffic to Your Articles How to Get The Most Traffic to Your Articles

How to Get The Most Traffic to Your Articles

Keywords and a good linking strategy are the most important things to get the most traffic to your articles, because they push your articles higher in a Google search.
The Google search engine is by far the most popular search engine on the net today, not only that but for many years it has been the most visited site online, with a market share of 7%. In order to increase the amount of traffic that Google brings to your articles, you have to understand what Google is looking for in a given search.
Let's say you typed in: how to get the most traffic on your articles. The articles or websites that appeared on the first page would be the ones that had the most relevant, consistent uses of those words, and related keywords.
Keywords are the first factor Google looks at when deciding which article to rate highest in a search, (you should have the first two tagged keywords in every paragraph, (for me it is traffic and articles), and making up about 5% of the article), but there are many other algorithms written into Google.
The amount of links to an article or site, the age of the article, the traffic on the article, the locality of the article (Google favors articles written in your area), so many alogrithms, that the top engineers at Google do not know exactly how they all fit together.
Traffic on your articles can be obtained in other ways, such as direct unpaid advertising, like using a facebook page, or social networking site to drive traffic to your articles. Probably the best way is making links from relevant text on articles written on other paid article writing sites. My favorites are Bukisa, and Triond in that order. 
In the end, the most important tactic is understanding Google's search engine algorithms. Google likes lots of things, such as a gradual increase in the number of links leading to your article over time, as well as steady traffic. Take a look at my Facebook page: Writing for profit, to read all the articles I have written about improving the traffic to your articles.
Don't spend too much time trying to make links to your articles, as you need to keep writing more, but links are another good way to increase the traffic to your articles, especially if you understand link weight. Check out Link weight, what is it, and how does it increase your google rating
You are obviously interested in improving the traffic to your articles because you write articles, but are you getting paid enough for your work? Bukisa offers a competitive pay per click rate, ($3.22 US per thousand clicks), and a three level referral program.
You get paid a 25% commission on your first level referrals earnings, which is good enough, but then you get 10% on their referrals earnings, and 2% of their referral's earnings. It's totally free to join, and if you are writing articles for another site, you should really switch over, or try writing on both. You can get referrals easily, by simply adding your referral link at the end of your articles.
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How to Get The Most Traffic to Your Articles

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